Tech Q & A

Event location

This event is held at the Ambler Branch Library.


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Tech Q&A 

Got questions about your cell phone or tablet?  We’ve got answers! 

 Sign-up for a 45-minute appointment for one-on-one help with questions about your cell phone, tablet, or other mobile tech.  We can help you with: iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and more. 

Winter/Spring 2025 Tech Q&A Schedule

Sign-up opens 1 month before each event.

TIME: 1 - 4pm on the following dates and at the locations shown.

DATE               LOCATION

Jan. 22        Blue Bell Community Room
Feb. 19        Ambler Library
March 19    Ambler Library
April 16      Penllyn Woods Community Bldg.


SIGN-UP REQUIRED:  3 options

*Visit the front desk in

 Blue Bell or Ambler

*Call the Library at 215-643-1320

*Send Email to


     What is the primary account? It consists of a username and password. Depending on the which phone or tablet you have,  the account will be called:

“Apple ID” for

iPhones and iPads

“Gmail Account” for

Android phones and tablets

“Amazon Account” for

Kindle eReaders & Kindle Fires

To get the most out of your Tech Q&A session, please:

Ø Charge your device

Ø Bring the charging cable for your cell phone of tablet

Ø Bring your phone or tablet’s primary account information:  the Username & Password assigned to your device.   

SEE “What is the primary account?” to determine what kind of account you use. 



Who should attend