Rep. Melissa Cerrato Mobile Office

Beginning Tuesday, September 3, the Office of Rep. Melissa Cerrato will have a mobile office at Ambler Library on Tuesdays between 10AM to 12 noon. The 151st Legislative District serves the borough of Ambler, Upper Dublin, and Horsham areas.

Here is a brief list of services that Rep. Cerrato's mobile office can help with:

? Finding and Recovering Unclaimed Funds (Dept. of Treasury)
?️ Notary Services (Non-political)
? Unemployment Compensation assistance (Dept. of Labor and Industry)
? SEPTA Senior Key Card processing
? Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications (Dept. of Revenue)
? Acquisition of State Tax Forms (Dept. of Revenue)
?️ Questions regarding Medicaid, Food Stamps, LIHEAP, etc. (Dept. of Human Services)
? Birth and Death Certificate applications (Dept. of Vital Records)
♿ Disability Plate and Placard Applications (Dept. of Transportation)
?️ And any other state-related issue you may be having…