Rep. Cerrato Mobile Office

Event location

The Office of Rep. Melissa Cerrato will hold office hours at Ambler Library each Tuesday between 10AM to 12 noon. The 151st Legislative District serves the borough of Ambler, Upper Dublin, and Horsham areas.

Here is a brief list of services that Rep. Cerrato's mobile office can help with:

? Finding and Recovering Unclaimed Funds (Dept. of Treasury)
?️ Notary Services (Non-political)
? Unemployment Compensation assistance (Dept. of Labor and Industry)
? SEPTA Senior Key Card processing
? Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications (Dept. of Revenue)
? Acquisition of State Tax Forms (Dept. of Revenue)
?️ Questions regarding Medicaid, Food Stamps, LIHEAP, etc. (Dept. of Human Services)
? Birth and Death Certificate applications (Dept. of Vital Records)
♿ Disability Plate and Placard Applications (Dept. of Transportation)
?️ And any other state-related issue you may be having…


Who should attend